Homemade #420 Edible Tips
Did you know, if cannabis is heated too much, the potency of THC will be lowered?
Anyone who’s a fan of edibles loves the experience of the double euphoria. You satisfy your sweet tooth with a decadent bite of chocolate, while getting the body high from the THC. Many cannabis lovers choose edibles as their method of consumption. It takes longer for the effects to sink in, but once they do, the user gets to enjoy more potent and longer effects.
For those of you who like to throw down in the kitchen and get lit, you’re in for a treat. We’re going to give you insider tips on things to keep in mind when making edibles.
What Strain?
When making edible, the first thing to decide is what strain you want your food to be comprised of. Do you want a high energy strain like Sativa or a sedating strain like Indica?
The choice is up to you, on which strain you prefer but try to use one that contains a rich terpene profile, which will enrich your oil giving you a lot of health benefits.
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THC Content
Fortunately, making homemade delicious edibles is not rocket science. Avoid the rookie mistake of going overboard with the cannabis. It’s best to start out conservatively. It’s difficult to estimate how strong the portions will be since you don’t have a lab to test them.
Beginners are advised to use strains with a THC content of around 10 -15%. Girl Scout Cookies is a strain that fits this percentage range with around 8% THC and killer grape with about 14%. Around an ounce of dry cannabis flower will be enough. It’s important that the flour is dry before mixing it with the oil. If you’re a pro edible consumer, you can adjust your THC intake to a higher dosage. Always remember to go with a strain that is rich in terpenes for a full flavor profile.
Cook with the Correct Temperature
Did you know that if cannabis is heated too much, the potency of THC will be lowered?
314 F is THC’s boiling temperature. This is where you will need to enlist the help of a thermometer. Your oven should be preheated to 240 F. Break the pieces or cannabis up and spread on a cookie sheet while making sure they aren’t lying on top of one another.
Bake for 30-40 minutes according to the strain of weed and strength of your oven. Make sure it’s a golden-brown color and remove the cookie sheet from the oven so it can cool down. Throw it in the food processor until it’s a coarse texture. This process results in prepared cannabis that’s ready for infusion.
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Infusion Process
This is a simplified version of infusing Cannabutter:
- Boil a quart of water
- Once the pot is boiling, add sticks of butter
- Add marijuana that has previously been grounded up in the blender
- After the cannabis has been added lower the temperature to a simmer
- Check to make sure the weed is floating from 1.5 to 2 inches from the pan
- Cook the butter on low for three hours until the consistency thickens at the top
- Place the mixture in a bowl that has been lined with cheesecloth
- Proceed to squeeze out any leftover liquid butter
- Allow the butter to cool off for an hour and place it in the fridge
- The butter is ready to use when it takes on the texture and consistency of a spread
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What type of oil should you use as a base?
Most people will cook using an oil base or butter. Cooking with oil gives the cook many options on what they want to prepare. They can indulge in their favorite dessert or junk food or go with the healthy route and whip up sautéed vegetables or a tasty dressing for their salads.
For first timers, one thing you should know is that marijuana is not water soluble, so it will not mix well in water. Oil on the other hand, mixes very well since cannabis is oil soluble. High fat oils such as canola or coconut oil does well when mixed with marijuana, olive oil is another good option as well. When you’re working with cooking oils, keep in mind that if you decide to cook with canola, be mindful of its high smoking and boiling points versus olive or coconut oil. The best way to decide what option to choose from is to pick which oil compliments the food that you are planning to cook.
What Mistakes to Avoid
- Be careful to not over grind your marijuana, this causes unwanted flavors from the herb and turn your goodies green
- Cooking at temperatures that is too high
- Not adding heat at all (if you want your edible to contain THC heat must be used to start the decarboxylation process.)
- Using too much Cannabis when cooking (the cooking process already makes your edible more potent, which means less is more.)
- Ignoring portion size. If you want the correct dose of marijuana know your portions so you can correctly add the right amount of cannabis.
The world of cannabis cooking has so many different options for your eating pleasure. Try a cannabis cookbook and be prepared to be introduced to the world of what edibles really have to offer. Cooking is fun and when you learn how to cook edibles you can customize your food, strains and thc/cbd ratios exactly to your liking.
Whether your favorite method of consuming cannabis is smoking, vaping, edibles or tinctures, Harbor Collective has a great selection of products for you to choose from. You can order online and skip the line at the shop by going to www.harbormmcc.com/shop/. Don’t forget about our happy hours specials, from 7 a.m. – 10 a.m. 7, days a week to save 10% on all your purchases.